Coffee Plantation Tours in Rwanda

Coffee Plantation Tours in Rwanda

Coffee Plantation Tours: Rwanda is a small land locked country in eastern Africa. German missionaries introduced coffee trees in Rwanda in 1904, it became one of the country’s cash crop and its production became an integral part of Rwanda’s economy to support rural communities and contributing to the country’s development. Rwandan coffee has experienced a resurgence earning international recognition and becoming a source of pride for the nation.

Rwanda coffee is grown in the high altitude between 4,000 and 5,000 feet above sea level along with volcanic soils, cool climate and abundant rainfall for coffee cultivation and usually planted in between March and May and harvested between May and September and the annual coffee related events and festivals like Rwanda national Barista Championship have showcase in vibrancy and passion of Rwanda’s coffee community. Rwanda offers a range of coffee tourism experiences to suit different preferences.

Coffee Growing Regions in Rwanda

Kivu region: It is the most abundant of Rwanda’s five coffee producing regions with rich volcanic soils and green hills that yield earthy, nice coffees with a dark roast. The coffee here grows in Gisenyi, Nyamasheke, Kibuye, Cyanungu and Butare.

Virunga region: It is a long volcanic mountain that boarders Congo and Uganda and an area where coffee is planted is elevated of up to 7000 feet and also has Virunga coffee company as a reputable dealer of the Rwandan coffee.

Akagera region: It is characterized with rich fertile soils and low mountains that encourage coffee growing. It also has a washing station that helps in the process of removing coverings on the coffee bean.

Muhazi region: It is a good water source for coffee trees making them produce better coffee beans.

Kizi rift region: It is located in central Rwanda and it grows lovely Arabica trees and have light roast Rwandan coffee with some taste of citrus and chocolate.

Coffee Plantation Tours

Coffee Plantation Tours.

Kigali best coffee tour: It offers a detailed history of coffee company along with explanations to the process of tasting and evaluating coffee with question coffee cafe located in Gishushu. The remarkable establishment offers travelers a full tour of the coffee plantation and process known as crop to cup. The tour is interactive and educational.

Atmospheric coffee tours along Lake Kivu: The hills surrounding Lake Kivu are covered with coffee plantations that are for local consumption and exportation. Local farmers guide the tours and they dive deeper into the process of coffee brewing from initial to final stages. The visitors have an opportunity of engaging in the process of harvesting, sorting, grading, fermenting, drying and roasting coffee and one can book the activity if is spending two or more nights in Kigali.

Kivu Noir: It is located downtown Kigali and offers a coffee history lessons while enjoying the magnificent views of the Rwandan highland during the tour one is able to acquire knowledge on coffee stages of processing.

Cooprocaki Coffee cooperative: It starts in one of the coffee plantations with a great view of Lake Kivu here coffee plants are raised locally from local beans and during the tour, one will notice that all the process is done by hands and little machineries are used and treated with a cup of locally grown coffee from cooperatives.

Hobe coffee company: It is a home to the first and natural, honey processed coffees on Rwanda, it is a link that connects incredible people through coffee, and it is experienced in roasting, brewing and tasting coffee.

Types of Coffee Grown in Rwanda

Bourbon Arabica: This coffee flourishes at high altitudes and creates some of the most desirable coffee, easily making it popular among Rwandan farmers. Mayaguez 71 is grown in lower elevation mountain regions and Mayaguez 139 can be found producing high yields at higher elevations.

Catuai caturra coffee: It was a staple in Rwanda due to its high yield and excellent coffee quality.

Flavor profile

Rwanda coffee has taste of rose, orange, blossom, lemon, caramel, chocolate and berry.

Coffee Cultivation Process in Rwanda

Coffee plantation tour provides a better understanding process of growing and harvesting coffee beans. It starts from seedling nurseries to mature coffee trees where you witness a lot of care and attention given to each stage of the cultivation process.

In conclusion, one can consider staying at a coffee lodge or guesthouse located on a working coffee plantation where you can participate in coffee related activities and these tours help to directly support local community and contribute to the sustainable development of the industry.


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